This picture was taken on March 16, 1991 after a hockey game featuring a celebrity team captained by MacGyver (Richard Dean Anderson) and the 1980 Olympic Gold Medal Team captained by Mike Eruzione. I waited over two hours to meet my hero and it was worth every minute. I even had some duct tape and a swiss army knife with me! I was only able to get either a photograph or an autograph. I decided to get a picture with MacGyver. I was in so much shock of meeting him that all I could do was shake his hand and say, "You're my hero!" He must have thought I was a dweeb. I didn't care. Still don't.

Flash forward to May 27, 2017 and I met Richard Dean Anderson at MegaCon in Orlando. When I saw him I told him that it was a pleasure to meet him again and explained that I had met him on March 16, 1991. I showed him the above picture and remided him of the other people who played in the game. He told me that the celebrities were told to stay away from Bobby Orr but Michael J. Fox went right after him and proceeded to dislocate his knee in the process. I asked Richard Dean Anderson if he still skated and he said no because he didn't have any knees left. He asked me what the year of that game was again and made the autograph out To Boston 1991. He then told me that he hoped we meet again in another 10-15 years. I shook his hand and said it was a pleasure to meet him again.
